Clinic Diabetes


Medicine Interventions

  • Total Enrolled 1
  • Last Update November 16, 2022


Medicine Interventions

Topics for this course

10 Lessons

Med Classes

Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors
DPP4 Inhibitors
GLP-1 Analogues
SGLT2 Inhibitors
Fixed Dose Combination Meds

About the instructors

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2 Courses

4 students

Advanced Practice Pharmacist (B PHARM), Credentialled Diabetes Educator, Adv Dip Nut Pharm, Grad. Dip. App. Pharma. Prac. Kirrily was the 2019 UTS Innovative Pharmacist of the Year, 2016 CDE of the Year and has received many other Awards over the course of her career. Kirrily became the first pharmacist Credentialled Diabetes Educator in Australia ten years ago and continues to lead the evolution of diabetes care by community pharmacists in primary care.  
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1 Courses

0 students



  • Advanced Practice Pharmacist (B PHARM), Credentialled Diabetes Educator, Adv Dip Nut Pharm, Grad. Dip. App. Pharma. Prac. Kirrily was the 2019 UTS Innovative Pharmacist of the Year, 2016 CDE of the Year and has received many other Awards over the course of her career. Kirrily became the first pharmacist Credentialled Diabetes Educator in Australia ten years ago and continues to lead the evolution of diabetes care by community pharmacists in primary care.